Thursday, November 11, 2010

I am going to try to be better!

Okay, I must admit...I do not love my new blog make over. I think I need MAJOR help! I am going to try to be better at posting!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Mother Figure

Okay, so Mother's Day is around the corner and today I have been thinking about my "Mother Figure". Sorry Mom, I don't mean you! You are the best and you are always there for me and always will be, got it. I am talking about the "figure" I got for becoming a Mother. You would think that since you brought wonderful children into this world you would be honored for it, No.....My figure is far from being honored and ONE day a year honoring me as a MOM is not going to make up for it! I should get presents on my kids birthdays. I should have the energy the kids have. ARE YOU KIDDING ME...... The more kids you have the worse your "Mother Figure" is. The more kids you have the less energy you have the more your Thyroid is messed up and let's not even being thinking or talking about the brain okay lack of brains you have from having kids. I guess I need to work on my "Mother Figure" Don't get my wrong I love my kids, I just don't like the fact you can ell I have kids. There is nothing wrong with that right?
Okay..I started a fan page called...."Stuff your Face or Run a Race". Every time I hear someone feels sorry for themselves and say's they are going to go and buy a bucket of ice cream. I am going to say...Stuff your Face or Run a Race. I have friends who either stuff their Face or Run a Race. Okay...Eat Ice Cream or go to the Gym. Some of my friends need to stop stuffing their faces and need to realize maybe if they went to the gym their Boyfriend would not have broke up with them while other people need to stuff their face so they are not so damn skinny! So, I have made it my priority in life to let other know how they really need to handle it! Because my Option does count and the choice's I make are logical. So yes...everyone around me can and will be a better person because I WILL TELL THEM THE TRUTH! So, join me on my face book page "Stuff your Face or Run a Race and let your option be known too!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why can't I be a website?

Have you ever had a day where you just want to say....Sorry This website or page can't be found? Holy cow....I swear some days I want to run away! How about… Go back to previous screen? Hell yeah, I want to go back to the previous screen, the screen of me before I had 5 kids. Why is it that when you are young we want to be old and when we are older (LOL) we want to be young? Wow...what I would give to be young and dumb....who cares about the knowledge. give me my figure back! How about Refresh... with a push of one dang button you are refreshed and up to date. Delete please delete....Wow where to start??? Spell Check at your finger tips...Wow imaging never losing a spelling bee. Google every and anything so you’re always right... Okay, I don't need the always right part because according to my husband I am always right. I tell him no I am not, I always admit when I am wrong...It's just not often I am wrong so he does not hear it that much!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Kids and clothes don't match

Kids & clothes or at least my 4 & 5 years olds don't. As you know I have 5 kids. I have 4 boys ages...14, 12, 5 & 2, A girl who is 4 (my 5 & 4 year olds are 10 1/2 months apart. Yes I know, I hear it all the time, blame it on him!)My son wears everything backwards and sometimes inside out, because "he likes it that way" Really...I know he can't really like it "that way"...which part of "that way" even remotely seams to be comfortable? My daughter wow...she is a different story (little back ground on her...if you so much as color wrong by using either the wrong colors or go out side of the lines or what ever it might be at that moment, she does not like you. If you are in her class and you don't lesson to the teacher or do what you are told right that second, she does not like you. Once she does not like you, it takes her months to like you again if ever. She is our little piece of work.) You would think because she takes everything out of her drawer and goes through every piece of clothing she owns, plus everything else in her life has to be perfect that her outfits would be the same....... My lovely daughter makes sure she does not match from head to toe. Her socks cannot even match, colors, patterns nothing. I am so confused! How come everything else has to be perfect? Yet, she still has to think she looks perfect. If she is not happy with her selection she will change and change and change again. I know it is a sigh of self expression. Self expression...I am about to open a kids clothing line that no matter what it is, no matter the colors they come together in some way and match. Thank goodness all of the neighbors, Family, Friends & school teachers know how she is and how she dresses. They all think "It's cute". I on the other hand cannot wait until this passes. I have to plan my outfits around hers. Depending on what she finally decides to wear for the moment and where we are going depends on what I can finally pick out to wear.
I have to look nice enough so we don't look like trailer trash, yet I can't look to nice or I look like I spend all the money on myself and deprive my kids. Really...won't someone please tell her besides me? When I tell her she looks at me like I am the crazy one and has no idea what I am talking about.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Book "Help improve the People Around You"

Chapter One- Spandex, Spandex is not your friend! If you must wear it or if it so tight to your body you cannot get out of it...Please put something over top of it. I do not care how big or little you are; no matter your size I promise nobody wants to see your camel toe or your treasure box...we don't care about your package. The only way I can even begin to think Spandex would be okay is if you are a natural est. and out to heal the world because you believe Laughter is the best Medicine. You will be laughed at! You will not be laughed at to your face because they will not be able to make it past your junk! Again, We “The Modern Day Wonder Woman's” are here to help make this world a better place and yes....The world is a better place without Spandex. P.S Get ride of the puffy bangs and the rainbow eye shadow. Promise.... we are doing you a favor.

What is a Modern Day Wonder Woman?

A Modern Day Wonder Woman is a Woman or "Wo'Man" that has way to much on their plate and does not get the credit they deserve. Not all of us wear thigh high boots with a swim suit outfit with our cleavage hanging out....Thank goodness. Modern Day Wonder Women and "Wo'Mans" always find time to help others or do things they do not have time for. We don't like to tell people no. okay most of the time but, there are limits. We try everything twice to make sure our options where right the first time. (Okay, not everything but this things you would try once)You get my point. We want to make the world a better place by starting with others! Maybe one day if we have time we will work on ourselves but until that day comes.....We would love to help you out! We expect allot out of ourselves and others...sometimes to much. We like instant gratification. People are drawn to us and others wish they had the courage to be us. We are not procrastinator's rather we postpone things we need to get done for ourselves to do things for others example...take out clothes and put them away...Yes I know we are going to wear them again anyway. Clean off our work areas, why we know where everything is and if you touch it you will mess everything up and it will take us longer to undo what you tried to help us Don't's our Mess and we love it! Wow...this list could go on and on! Let's face it we rock and we know it!

Self Help....

It's a new year and it is time for all of our goals. I figured that I am going to write a Self improvement book.... Self help makes it sound like something is wrong with you. My book will be called "Help Improve the People around You! I will start with Chapter one and who knows when it will end. But we will have a little Heaven on Earth after all! You think I am kidding...I am not and if anyone steals my idea, I will get you!

My baby is two today...My body is coming back when ?

At 2:10 am January 4Th 2008 I gave birth to which has been my last baby. My husband wants more. I tell him I wish him and his new wife the best of luck. He however does not think it is funny, I on the other hand completely agree with him, It's not funny... his life would suck without me in it. My big question is ....When do I get my body back. I swear I knew I was never going to look like this, oh no, not me. I was always going to have my 18 year old figure. It was not long ago I realised I am not 18 anymore. I don't get it. I swear when I envision myself I look Hot, perfect little figure, which was not perfect when I was 18 but let me tell is perfect to me know and what I would not do to get it back. Now, I feel I am 25 with 5 kids, yes I have a 14 year old but I know I am not a day over 25 or at least I do not feel like it or look like it..I hope. The big question is...when do I get my body back. Chances are I will never have my 18 year old body back, but my 25 year old body would do just fine. At the age of 25 I had been married for almost 7 years,and had 2 kids. I had had two miscarriages and a tubal pregnancy. No wonder my marriage was over. It took me along time to get over the heartache of losing those babies. Miscarriages are not something you can easily forget or get over at least for me and others I know it was not. You never get 100% over it, it was like when I was 17 Years old my Nephew died of SIDS, you never get over it, but with time it does get easier. Life does get easier if you want it to, but if you don't want it too then I guess it can be a Bitch. That's the saying life's a joy, then you marry one. Anyway enough about that....I am trying a "new" product that is all natural that are suppose to make woman "perky" again. My husband brought it home for me....What do you think he is trying to tell me? I am not happy enough in the Morning, or would he like to see me without a bra on and still standing at attention? Maybe my Perky and his Perky are to different kinds of perky. My perky is happy, go lucky like a re vied feeling and as long as I do not have to roll them up to fit into a bra we are good! Wow...I have not had either Perky feelings in a while. I will try and let you know how it works. If anyone has "real" things that work, as you know we Modern Day Wonder Woman have way to much on our plates, we don't have time for things that don't work! If it work's please share if it does not work... Why are doing thinking out it? Forget it already and what ever you do, don't try it again!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Modern Day Wonder Woman

Okay...I have 5 kids, 6 if you count my husband, 2 Dogs and 3 Cats oh.... and an ex husband with two AKA's...He calls himself money donor, I call him Sperm Donor (a name/ Role which he has earned all on his own) I work full time and I still must find time to do all the things that Have to be done at home and School as well. I have decided to blog and hopefully I can help other modern Day wonder woman's or "mans" out there as well.

Let's see... for Christmas I received a Kitchen Aid...Yippee now I get to spend my free time...which is a ton might I add with 5 kids making Dinner. I can't wait....Dinner in my eye's is the most horrible time of the Day! But...who knows we will see, this time can be different...I have had Kitchen aids in the past which where Never opened so they were returned but...this time will be different because My wonderful Husband told me on Christmas that he is going to help me cook...(Did I tell you the Kitchen Aid is still in the box).
So I decided that instead of waiting for him, I would add a few more items on my plate and become a Modern Day Wonder Woman and a blogger. I cannot promise where this Journey is going to take us..but I am up for the challenge, hopefully you are too. I know a band aid, aids you in stopping the bleeding ...Can anyone tell me how the Kitchen Aid, Aids you in the kitchen?